Saturday, January 25, 2020

Road Trip Must-Haves - Food and Drink

We love travel, period, but there's something especially exciting about a good, old-fashioned road trip. Long gone are the days of being squished together in the back of the family station wagon - road trips now can be almost as much fun as the destination itself.

Today's post is the first in a series on what we consider must-haves for a successful road trip. I'm pretty practical in nature so I try to look for things that we can also use in our everyday life.

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1. Food

I can't promise all of the posts in this series will be in descending order, but I had to start with the one that's most important to our family - FOOD!

You'd think simply sitting wouldn't work up an appetite, but I've always found the opposite. Kids are HUNGRY on road trips. And thirsty, too. That's why snacks and drinks are always a priority and are kept within easy reach.

A good stainless steel water bottle is our go-to. We'll use them in the car and then on our hikes and outings, as well. Plus, we use them all of the time at home. if we're going to be out and about for more than an hour or so, everyone brings their water bottles. Staying hydrated is important!

I like a water bottle that's easy-to-clean and that can be tossed in a bag or backpack with no fear of leaking. Bonus if they can actually fit in most cupholders as these can. For adults and older kids we use:

For little ones I always preferred a sippy option.

Throughout our trip, we'll purchase gallons of water to refill all of the bottles. HINT - only buy gallon jugs with a screw on lids - not pop-tops. We learned that lesson the hard way!

As for the actual food, I like to stock up at the grocery store. We indulge in plenty of treats on vacation, but we avoid junk where possible. My go-to snacks include beef sticks, jerky, trail mix, protein bars, apples, and bananas. On the first leg of our trips I usually have random things from the fridge from home, too. We're always sure to take a small cooler with us. This may seem pretty old-school, but it's has high ratings and 4.5 star reviews for a reason. It's a workhorse and we use it all year long!

I keep everything else in a heavy shopping bag or a utility tote. Everything is easy to see and access. Something like the tote below can be used in endless ways. I have two and love them!

Throw in a roll of paper towels, a handful of utensils, a few plastic shopping bags for trash collection, and maybe a few of these collapsible cups for doling out snacks:

I think that about covers the must-haves for road trip food and drinks. Be sure to check back for the rest of the posts in this series.

Have tips of your own? Please leave a comment below.

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